Thursday, July 9, 2015

Temple, MLC, and Adolfo

The past week and a half have been super packed! I will try and
share as much as I can but I woke up at 5:00am today to go to the
temple so I just fell asleep for a few minutes in accident. Plus we
have a lesson in a few minutes before zone activity so I will try and
share what I can. :)

Today was an amazing trip to the temple and I really needed it. Our
previous wars mission leader named Aldo came with us and it was really
cool to learn some cool things from him while we were there. He is a
really spiritual man that has studied a lot of doctrine. The thing I
loved the most was the spirit. It is so strong inside the Lord's house
and one of my greatest goals is to make my home feel similar to
walking into the temple, where the spirit is just always present. I
can't wait to be able to go more often than once every three months,
even though I am really grateful that I do get to go as a missionary
because that is a great blessing.

We had MLC (mission leadership council) this week with president
Taggart and then we got to take the training that we received to the
zone and it went really well. We focused on commitments and how we can
more clearly and powerfully extend our commitment invitations. The
most important this is the the spirit it there and we bring the spirit
by testifying and promising blessings. Then we just have to follow up
with them daily and make sure they do what they said they would. :)
that's the part most of our investigators struggle with, actually
doing what they say they will.

Last time I wrote I told you about a guy named Adolfo who sent us a
text telling us that he was ready to meet with us. Well he was right
about that. He is going to be baptized on July 18th and he is so
prepared. About a month ago he was doing a school report on the church
because his girlfriend is a member and it met the requirements for his
paper. So he met once with elder pace and another elder when we were
on exchanges and so that's why we didn't recognize who he was when he
text us. But basically ever since that initial contact the spirit has
been stirring in his heart that he needed to find us again. He told us
he feels like it wasn't a coincidence and that God guided him to us.
He told us that he feels like the reason he met his girlfriend was to
find us so he could join Christ's true church's. He is amazing! He
went to a fireside on Sunday night after church and a lady told him
something that really stuck out to him and is his new motto. "If it
isn't eternal, than don't worry about it." He is really looking for
true happiness and so he has changed his whole life to try and achieve
that. With every commandment or lesson we teach him he always thanks
Heavenly Father for providing him a way to more happiness. He teaches
me so much in lessons. When someone has such a desire to learn and
find the truth it is amazing how strong the spirit is in lessons.
Anyways, I'm really excited for him!

Sergio, Alfredo, and Brandon are all planning to do baptisms in the
temple for the first time this weekend and I'm really excited for all
of them. Especially Brandon who is fighting through some really tough
addictions to be able to be clean to enter.
The gospel is true! Jesus Christ is our Savior and this is His
work. It doesn't feel real that my last transfer is starting on Monday
but I pray that I can do everything that the Lord needs me to do here
before I leave.

Love you all!!!
Elder Hyde

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