Monday, January 6, 2014

Hurt companion, baptismal date, saying goodbye to Paniagua Family, Everything always works out

Hola! Well this week starting with my companion, Elder Maughan hurting his ankle way bad playing basketball on P-day. He was being a little too aggressive and stuffed this kid against the backboard but when he came down he landed on his ankle and after a couple minutes it looked like a baby alien had hatched inside of his ankle. So that night we weren't able to go out because he couldn't walk on it. I also got a package from my dad with lots of random awesome stuff in it :) Tuesday was awesome. Even though Elder Maughan couldn't walk very well, he was able to bike slowly without very much pain. So we got to at least get out of the apartment :) On our way to our first appointment the AP's called me to see if I was done being trained. So I guess there is going to be a change in 5 weeks and they started figuring out transfers early or something because the AP's never call people so it made me super curious haha Anyways, none of the people we had set up for lessons were there and with my companions ankle we weren't sure how many doors we were going to be able to knock. But Heavenly Father was looking out for us because we only had to knock 2 doors and we taught 45min lessons at both and found some really cool investigators. Then we had a lesson with Efrain who we met on the street about 8 weeks ago and he has kept rescheduling our appointments. Well we went to teach him and he was super happy to see us. We taught him the Restoration and he loved everything we said. We set a baptismal date with him for Feb. 9th and he is just awesome. He told us this is what he has been looking for. He is really hard to reach at times but he is super awesome. He told us about this amazing experience he had about 14 years ago. He said he was super wasted and on lots of different types of drugs and was basically passed out on the bathroom floor when he saw a light and he felt like God was telling him to stop drinking and doing drugs. Well, he said he hasn't had a sip of alcohol since and hasn't touched any drugs either. It was super awesome. New Years day was really interesting. We found out Victor, the guy who asked us if we were Mormons and wanted to change, is in prison for who knows what. Yeah that was sad. Then we taught a group of drunk guys who had tons of questions but were surprisingly pretty respectful. One guy named Mario wanted us to come back when he wasn't drinking and teach more so that was cool. A day filled with drunk people and not very much success. Thursday we helped this older Asian lady get her suitcase up to her apartment and she was super funny and awesome. It's a rule that we can't teach people in our complex which really stinks sometimes because there is a lot of potential but after we talked to her about God and Jesus Christ a little bit she said she would be way interested in other missionaries coming over. She was super funny and made us laugh a lot. As we were walking back to our apartment a different guy stopped us and asked us if we were Mormons. He said both of his parents are Mormon but he is Catholic/Christian. He asked us to say a prayer with/for him and just said he is looking for more because his life is pretty hard right now. He was just visiting a friend there so he actually lives in the other elders area but he was really nice. Friday we taught a member and this guy that lives in her house isn't a member. We taught him too and he seemed way interested. He told us he has come to church before and really likes it. Friday we saw this lady trying to move by herself so we offered to help he and man did she need it. A single lady trying to move all of her stuff we felt way bad. So we spend 2 hours and hurry and packed up a U Haul full of her stuff. She was a super nice lady moving to Idaho to go to medical school. She kept trying to pay us a lot of money for helping but our mission rule is to not accept any money of any kind so it was funny. Saturday we taught Luis and his dad Enrique and when we got there one of our other investigators Andres was there visiting. They are friends, super small world haha So we were ended up teaching about 6 people in the house and we brought our zone leaders to pass off Luis to them because he is 21 and would fit better in the young single adult ward. It was a packed house and we had an amazing lesson. Sunday nobody came to church again :( dang. Every week people tell us they are going to come. We offer them rides from members, reminder texts in the morning, everything to help them and yet this is 4 straight weeks without a member coming. To start of the morning even better we went to the Paniagua's to remind them of the time change of church and make sure they were going to come since they were finally back from Las Vegas and not sick anymore. But Carolina told us her family wants to take a break from us for a while to debate whether this is right for her family or not. It was a terrible feeling having our awesome family drop us but after a nice fast Sunday at church we felt re-energized and ready to find some new. We found out that this awesome family just got back from Mexico that we taught once about 4 weeks ago and they are interested so we will see them this week :) We also found some awesome new investigators named Juan and Martin. One of them said his whole family would be interested and the other had never really thought about God and was wondering if he was even there. Really cool lessons, awesome new people. It was what we needed after a disappointing Sunday morning. Love you all, have a great week! Love, Elder Hyde

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